Submit event

This feature allow your user can submit event via contact form 7 plugin

To use this feature, please follow this guide

1. Install contact form 7 plugin
2. Create submit form from contact form 7 with this code:

<div class="we-submit">
<p>Your Name (required)<br />
[text* your-name] </p>

<p>Your Email (required)<br />
[email* your-email] </p>
<p>Event Start Date (required)<br />
[we_date we-startdate][we_time we-starttime]</p>
<p>Event End Date (required)<br />
[we_date we-enddate][we_time we-endtime]</p>
<p>Event Title (required)<br />
[text we-event-title class:required] </p>
<p>Event Location (required)<br />
[text we-event-location class:required] </p>
<p>Event Phone Number(required)<br />
[number we-event-phone class:required] </p>
<p>Event Email (required)<br />
[email we-event-mail class:required] </p>
<p>Event Website (required)<br />
[text we-event-url class:required] </p>
<p>Event Price<br />
[number we-event-price] </p>
<p>Number of stock<br />
[number we-event-stock] </p>
<p>Event Color<br />
[text we-event-color class:jscolor "00BCD4"]</p> 
<p>Event image<br />
[file we-event-image filetypes:jpg|png limit:2mb]</p>
<p>Event Details<br />
[textarea we-event-details] </p>
<div><p>Event category</p>
[we_category we-event-cat]</div>
<p>Event Tags<br />
[text we-event-tag]</p>
<p>[submit "Submit"]</p>

3. Copy the contact form shortcode > Add it into the page which you want to display the submit form

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