Style 12

Style 12 (3 columns) with Collapse, Alphabetical filter, Pagination and Search box

[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="3" count="23" posts_per_page="3" fullcontent_in="collapse" search_box="show" alphab_filter="yes"]

Style 12 (3 columns) with Load more and modal

[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="3" count="23" posts_per_page="3" fullcontent_in="modal" page_navi="loadmore" view_profile="yes"]

Style 12 (2 columns) with Normal template(none full content)



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas placerat...


Software Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas placerat...

[ex_tpgrid style="12" count="2" posts_per_page="2"]

Style 12 (4 columns) with Search and Category filter

[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="4" count="4" posts_per_page="4" fullcontent_in="modal" search_box="show"]

Style 12 (5 columns) with Lightbox

[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="5" count="23" posts_per_page="5" fullcontent_in="lightbox"]