List style 2 with Category in top
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Classic new york style cheesecake with swirls of irish cream
Aenean lorem augue, volutpat vitae pulvinar at, tristique vel lectus....
[ex_wf_list style="2" count="10" posts_per_page="10" menu_filter="show"]
List style 2 with Category in left
Classic new york style cheesecake with swirls of irish cream
Aenean lorem augue, volutpat vitae pulvinar at, tristique vel lectus....
[ex_wf_list style="2" count="10" posts_per_page="10" menu_filter="show" menu_pos="left"]
List style 2 with Pagination
Classic new york style cheesecake with swirls of irish cream
Aenean lorem augue, volutpat vitae pulvinar at, tristique vel lectus....
[ex_wf_list style="2" count="10" posts_per_page="6"]
List style 2 with Loadmore
Classic new york style cheesecake with swirls of irish cream
Aenean lorem augue, volutpat vitae pulvinar at, tristique vel lectus....
[ex_wf_list style="2" count="10" posts_per_page="6" page_navi="loadmore"]