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01 Pepperoni Pizza

$20.00 exclu GST $18.00 exclu GST

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur...

Bacon Pizza

$0.00 exclu GST

Black Olives Pizza

$12.00 exclu GST $10.80 exclu GST

Extra Cheese Pizza

$15.00 exclu GST $13.50 exclu GST


Green peppers Pizza

$20.00$24.00 exclu GST
$18.00$21.60 exclu GST

Nulla ac neque id nulla aliquam rhoncus. Donec id dolor...

Mushrooms Pizza

$19.00$22.00 exclu GST
$17.10$19.80 exclu GST

Nunc sodales, dolor a rutrum semper, leo leo elementum enim,...


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