Style 12 (3 columns) with Load more and modal
[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="3" count="23" posts_per_page="3" fullcontent_in="modal" page_navi="loadmore" view_profile="yes"]
Style 12 (2 columns) with Normal template(none full content)
[ex_tpgrid style="12" count="2" posts_per_page="2"]
Style 12 (4 columns) with Search and Category filter
[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="4" count="4" posts_per_page="4" fullcontent_in="modal" search_box="show"]
Style 12 (5 columns) with Lightbox
[ex_tpgrid style="12" column="5" count="23" posts_per_page="5" fullcontent_in="lightbox"]